The Magic of a Weed

Turns out dandelions aren't weeds at all. Dandelions are very powerful medicinal herbs. Every part of the dandelion has therapeutic value and is edible. But do you know what I love the most about a dandelion? How tenacious it is. A dandelion can grow in a pinch of soil through a crack in the concrete. A dandelion never gives up. As its cheery yellow flower grows, it eventually turns to seed and that puff, carried by a gentle breeze, blows seeds of hope to all.

In March of last year I had a "routine" emergency appendectomy that left me with a massive infection and over a year of recovery. I had, unknowingly, been invited into my Divine Pause. I had nothing left to do but surrender and listen to the still small Voice of God. This Divine Pause allowed me to finally face the fact that for most of my life I had abandoned myself and no longer knew who I was.

Man-made religious institutions had fed me lies about who I was and like a puppet I danced and bowed to teachings that dishonored who GOD says I am. As I began to raise a voice and ask questions, I felt the fear and shame rise up from the depth of how I had been conditioned. But wading out into the deep waters of the Mystery of who God is, I realized God was calling me to myself. To “put my own oxygen mask on first” so that I could pour from a place of abundance instead of the empty cistern of resentment and bitterness.

Throughout this brave journey of discovery and a reawakening of my soul, I have pushed my way through the cracks in the concrete of the life I had planned (and let me tell you friend, there has been so much concrete), to embrace the life I have always wanted. I let go of the burden of condemnation that has kept me bound for so long, determined to rise with my face to the sun. The gift of my Divine Pause allowed me to listen deeply to my soul and find the freedom that God has called me too. And The Dandelion Way Journey was born.

My greatest desire is to meet others where they are in their journey and gently cultivate the soil of their one precious life. Inviting them to pause, listen, and remember who they are. Together we can water the seeds of their essence with fresh hope, not by sitting on the sidelines but by stepping out into divine right action.

Here’s to freedom.


Winter Solstice